Raise your own round. Raise series 'Me'

We assist startup employees raise the funding they need to exercise their stock options

Employees from some of the largest Indian startups are exercising their rights using our platform

People join startups to be a part of something bigger than themselves and reap the fruits of the startups future success. However, when startup employees, builders, leave the company they have a limited time to exercise their stock options before they expire.

Because of the high cost (strike price + tax) and the risk associated, an estimated 80% of employees are unable to exercise their stock options.

Raising Series Me enables startup builders to get the capital they need to exercise their stock options before they expire.

Exercise Stock Options Before They Expire.
People join startups to be a part of something bigger than themselves and reap the fruits of the startups future success. However, when startup employees, builders, leave the company they have a limited time to exercise their stock options before they expire.
Share the success of the companies you helped build.
Because of the high cost (strike price + tax) and the risk associated, an estimated 80% of employees are unable to exercise their stock options.
Simple and Transparent
We take the complexity out of the funding process, making it crystal clear, simple, and accessible.

Our Vision

We built Raising Series Me to empower startup employees to share the success of the businesses they helped build.

Why Raising Series Me?

Raising Series Me ensures that your hard work does not go unrewarded by helping you own a part of the business you helped build.

Eliminate the risk associated with exercising your ESOPs while getting the upside. Its a no-brainer :)

Why Raising Series Me for Investor?

As an investor, fund stock options for employees and get access to budding startups and become a part of their growth story.

Provides an opportunity to diversify their portfolio with stock options of high growth start-ups before they IPO.

Why Raising Series Me for Employee?

Raising Series Me ensures that your hard work does not go unrewarded due to paucity of liquid capital within short period of time.

Ensures that you're provided with needful capital to exercise your ESOPs(Employee Stock Options).
How it works

1. Sign Up

Go to website raisingseriesme.com (Once Launched), click on signup and fill required information.

2. Update your ESOP information

Answer the questionnaire with your basic information.

3. Upload Documents

Upload your Aadhar, PAN card, for your KYC. Then upload related to your ESOP's(Grant Letter, Options Agreement etc.)

4. Sign Agreement

Once the investor shows interest in your options, Download the agreement from your dashboard, sign it, and then upload it back on your dashboard.

5. Get Funded

Get required amount post signing agreement.

1. Sign Up

Go to website raisingseriesme.com (Once Launched), click on signup and fill required information.

2. Update your information

Answer the questionnaire with your basic information.

3. Upload Documents

Upload your Aadhar, PAN card, for KYC.

4. Select your startup to Invest

Select investment opportunities from many high growth startups that available on your dashboard, and then choose amount of shares you wish to own.

5. Sign Agreement

Once the process is forwarded. Download the agreement from your dashboard, sign it, and then upload it back on your dasboard.

6. Transfer of amount

Transfer the amount (as mentioned in agreement) to complete the process.

7. Claim your profit on successful exit

Once there is successful exit(IPO, Acquire etc) you can claim a percentage of profit on your investment.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Raising Series Me. If you don’t find what you asked for, please do not hesitate to mail us on our email id.

How to create an account at Raising Series Me?

Go to our website raisingseriesme.com, choose the option investor or employee, fill the required details and at end finish signup by verifying your email Id.

How does Raising Series Me work?

Raising Series Me connects employees of startups with investors so that in an event of exit both the parties are benefitted. It provides capital to employees to exercise the equity and investors a diversification to their portfolio.

Why Raising Series Me?

Raising Series Me empowers more employees to share in the success of the businesses they helped build and at the same time also gives option for investors to hold equity of the high growth startup.

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